Mary Bowling is a well-known professional for absolutely everything SEO and internet marketing. She is also a co-founder of an acclaimed search engine consultancy brand and worked with numerous clients. Way back 2003, she has been an expert in the broad-spectrum of SEO. She also has been a speaker at conferences, especially the major ones, and provides hacks and tips around the internet marketing and local search.
Co-founder at Ignitor Digital (Since 2013)
Mary Bowling, alongside Carrie Hill, is also a co-founder of a Colorado-based company, Ignitor Digital, which concentrates on the wide-reaching services of SEO. She has gone from Google Analytics to SEO audits, email marketing, link building, and many more, as Ignitor Digital has been focusing on providing local search marketing solutions to small businesses, as well as medium-sized ones. However, come January 2020, Mary Bowling and Carrie Hill have then moved to Sterling Sky Inc., fully developed Ontario-based internet marketing that was founded in 2017.
Co-founder of (Since 2009)
Mary, alongside David Mihm and Patrick Sexton, is a co-founder of, a website that redirects to was a platform for small business owners from HVAC owners, to those who were interested in being in a law firm seo, to attend seminars, so that they can have a better understanding on how to manage SEO and internet marketing for themselves. Although they have sold to MOZ Local in 2012, they have been able to do everything they can to help small businesses.
Local University (Since 2009)
In the LocalU, Mary Bowling has also been a partner, a group that has been providing forums for educational internet marketing seminars or conferences to agencies and small businesses. Mary has also given seminars and offered training sessions that are comprehensible, mostly on the technical parts of SEO that even the starters on internet marketing could easily understand.
Mary Bowling’s Background In SEO
Mary is more of an expert than anything when it comes to digital marketing, most especially on small businesses’ view. She has also been keen on providing consultancy services, and has also offered training programs and sessions, namely Planet Ocean. She has influenced a lot of people, and is an inspiration to many startups in the search engine optimization world.
Trainer and Author: Mary Bowling
Mary Bowling is an influential author ever since 2008, with hundreds of write ups on Local Search across the worldwide web. She has also been contributing to several publications and blogs such as Sixth Man Marketing, Optimized, and many more among others. At Optimized, Mary has also been a consultant since 2008.
Publications Mary has been a part of
Mary has appeared in several publications, and here are some to name a few:
- Search Engine Journal
- Search Engine Land
- Search Engine News
- Clickz.Com
- Optimized!
- Sixth Man Marketing
SEO: What’s the fuss about?
Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is basically the procedure of getting traffic and therefore amplifying the number of visitors of a particular site on the internet by establishing that the said website appears at least near the top on the list of results shown by a search engine.
The effectiveness of SEO and how it works requires a much deeper understanding on what searching really is. The relevance of the results is important, but of course there are a few things we need to know about the visitors: WHAT they are searching, WHO they are, WHY they are searching, WHEN they are searching, WHERE they are searching, and HOW they are searching.
Local SEO and How It Works
If you are a beginner and new to marketing your business online, your main focus should be on making your efforts as effective as possible. As a local business, appearing within the main organic search results and the local map at the same time, is an opportunity in itself as it requires separate algorithms to power the main Google search results for local map pack results and local rankings.
Content that is localized, as well as link popularity, are big factors. Same with Google’s traditional search algorithm, so what’s important is building local landing pages for each one of your locations, especially if you’re harnessing multiple locations for your business.
Mary Bowling’s Projects
As stated earlier, Mary Bowling has departed from Ignitor Digital, then joining Sterling Sky Inc., one of the leading local SEO agencies. Mary’s journey to her success along with her knowledge in SEO are absolutely phenomenal.
Mary being in this kind of work for 17 years just goes to show how much she’s learned in the years that she has been doing this, and how much she’s inspired many, many entrepreneurs with her works, professional services, mentorship, and training. She surely helped so many people, including helping small businesses go out of their shells and build their names within their business areas.